• After Happy Hour Review

    After Happy Hour Review

    Thrilled my prose poem "Conditional Absolution" found a home in this issue. You can read it starting on page 8 of the PDF HERE

  • Group Show No. 2 at Big Happy

    Group Show No. 2 at Big Happy

    Thrilled to be included in this group show at Big Happy in Sante Fe, NM opening Friday, December 13, 2024, from 5-7. Details HERE

  • Silver Birch Press

    Silver Birch Press

    Honored to be included in Silver Birch Press' "All About My Mother" series with my poem "October 31st." You can read it HERE

  • Pangyrus


    My poem "What's Left Unsaid" was published in Pangyrus. You can read it HERE

  • Unbroken


    My prose poem "Alice Made Tea" is in the summer (ekphrastic) issue of Unbroken Journal. You can read it HERE (click on my name or scroll down)

  • Angel City Review

    Angel City Review

    My prose poem "Violet Isn't Blue" was published in Angel City Review. You can read it HERE

  • Atticus Review

    Atticus Review

    The new issue of Atticus Review is live. Honored that this poem is included! You can read it here

  • Variant Literature

    Variant Literature

    I'm happy to announce my prose poem "Bless the Beast" appears in issue 18 of Variant Literature. Check it out here

  • Roanoke Review

    Roanoke Review

    Thanks to Roanoke Review for making a home for my poem, "In Time," a golden shovel after Gwendoline Brooks and her fabulous poem, "Old Mary." It started as an assignment I struggled with but kept coming back to. Two years later it finally started to coalesce. It's a thrill to have it out in the world. You can read it here

  • The Hudson Review's Frederick Morgan Poetry Contest

    The Hudson Review's Frederick Morgan Poetry Contest

    Thrilled that my poem "Sighting" received an honorable mention in The Hudson Review's Frederick Morgan Poetry Contest in celebration of its 75th anniversary! You can read the online edition here

  • 2023 OutWrite Journal

    2023 OutWrite Journal

    I'm honored to have two prose poems included in the 2023 OutWrite Journal. Read the entire Levity issue here

  • New West Headhouse and Delta One Check-in and Ticketing Lobby at LAX

    New West Headhouse and Delta One Check-in and Ticketing Lobby at LAX

    My mural "Collider Beaming" is now on view at Delta's new ticketing and lobby area in Terminal 3 at LAX. If you are flying in or out of Los Angeles on Delta, check it out on level 3 (Photo: courtesy Los Angeles World Airports and Delta.)

  • Unbroken


    I'm happy to announce my prose poem "Waiting for Poseidon" is in the new issue of unbroken. Read it in issue #37
    Happy National Poetry Month!

  • Rough Cut Press

    Rough Cut Press

    My poem "Fault Lines" has been publshed in Issue 44 of Rough Cut Press

  • The Museum of Americana: A Literary Review

    The Museum of Americana: A Literary Review

    Thrilled to announce my poem "Limulus" has found a home HERE!

  • Troublemaker Firestarter, Volume Two

    Troublemaker Firestarter, Volume Two

    Troublemaker Firestarter’s second volume of poetry is now available! It features my poems, "Macho MACHO Man" and "Ms. Frieda B Freeway's Exchange." You can purchase a copy HERE

  • Fifth Wheel Press: Flux Anthology

    Fifth Wheel Press: Flux Anthology

    My poem "Habit(ability)" will be published in the Fifth Wheel Press anthology, Flux. It will be in print at the end of 2022, but you can read it HERE

  • Rise Up Review Summer Issue

    Rise Up Review Summer Issue

    I'm thrilled to announce that my poem "For the Rent You Never Charged Me" appears in the Rise Up Review's summer issue. Click HERE to read it.

    Since the pandemic started I've been working on my slash, as in, artist/[add another discipline here.] I was an artist/writer in the 1990s and wrote art reviews. But as the publications closed up shop my venues dried up and I was happy to take that time back in the studio. While I was in residence at the Willapa Bay AiR in 2017, I accepted a challenge from the poet in residence to write a poem. I'd never written one before and it sparked something in me, but I didn't know what to do about it. A few more trickled out over the years, but it still felt like something I did for myself. Then a few months into quarantine, it seemed like the best way for me to express myself in a creative way, so I started working on poems in a way that resembled my art practice. Zoom culture allowed me to take poetry workshops with poets near and far. (Finally, we can be in person, albeit in a backyard.) I started submitting my poems to journals earlier this year and I'm excited to now have a poem out in the world.

  • Ultrachrome Plus

    Ultrachrome Plus

    I will have work in this group show at:

    Denk Gallery
    749 East Temple St
    Los Angeles, CA 90012
    +1 213 935 8331

    Opening Reception:
    Saturday, July 20th, 6-8 pm

    Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm or by appointment

    On view from July 20 - September 7, 2019

  • Interview for Art and Cake

    Interview for Art and Cake

    Art and Cake is a contemporary art magazine with a focus on the Los Angeles art scene. You can read my profile in Dani Dodge's series on "Artists and Day Jobs" HERE

  • Exhibit at St. George's School in Middletown, RI

    Exhibit at St. George's School in Middletown, RI

    The Sky Hides the Night Behind It, works by Timothy Nolan

    Feb 3 - March 10, 2017

    The Hunter Gallery, St. George's School, Middletown, RI 02842

  • Interview for Two Coats of Paint

    Interview for Two Coats of Paint

    Two Coats of Paint is an award winning blog, based in NYC, with artist Sharon Butler at the helm. I was pleased to sit down with her to answer some questions about my recent public project (Like Sound Going Sideways), at Los Angeles International Airport. You can read our discussion HERE. The exhibit is in Terminal 7 through January 2017.

  • Solo Exhibit at LAX / Fabrik Magazine Review

    Solo Exhibit at LAX / Fabrik Magazine Review

    Like Sound Going Sideway was a solo exhibition at Los Angeles International Airport, on view in 2016 and early 2017. It was located in the Ticketing Area and the Arrivals Hall between Terminals 7 and 8, servicing United Airlines. You can read about this work and all the art at LAX in FABRIK - Issue 33

  • Portland Art Museum

    Portland Art Museum

    I am honored to be in the collection, and in the exhibit, Measure, Gesture, Form: Modern and Contemporary Drawings from a Private Donor, at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.

  • Heather Marx Art Advisory

    Heather Marx Art Advisory

    Many years ago, I stopped into Heather Marx Gallery in San Francisco to see the current show and drop off the catalog I produced for my show Link at Newspace Gallery. I'd followed her program since the gallery opened the year before, and was intrigued by the work she championed. Since then we've worked together on shows at both Heather Marx Gallery and Marx & Zavattero, the gallery she ran with her husband Steve Zavattero, and art fairs in New York, Miami, and San Francisco. Most importantly though, we've become friends. That's why I'm so pleased we can still work together via Heather Marx Art Advisory.

  • Triton Museum of Art

    Triton Museum of Art

    I am pleased to announce that the Triton Museum of Art
    has acquired my work, From Behind the Moon in Dim Eclipse,
    2014, Dye-sublimation print on aluminum, 22” x 48”, 1/3

  • Living and Sustaining a Creative Life

    Living and Sustaining a Creative Life

    I am honored to be among the 40 artists who contributed essays to
    this excellent book edited by Sharon Louden.

    University of Chicago Press